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Artistic expression will be the most effective trigger for our students

Neón pintado cara


Each partner will form a group in their schools. Students will be free to decide which activity to take, depending on their skills and interests. Through this, students will assimilate the good values of role models , increase students' confidence in themselves, draw more attention of guest students and other students at the school. We will invite people from outside the school, including the media.

Type Writer


E-magazines in different languages will be printed and handed out at the end of the project. The objectives of the project will be presented as written as well in terms of permanence. - A project song was written and composed. It consisted of the lyrics fostering examples of European citizenship and good role models. We sang it in Italian, Polish, English, Spanish and Chinese taking advantage of the big diversity available inside our groups.

Arte capturar


Partner schools will introduce their culture and traditions to develop cultural awareness and resilience. They will produce a visual documentary and historical chart of their countries. These events will be a great place to learn about different cultures and interact with people from these cultures.

Fuentes de pintura


A logo competition was held at the beginning of the first visit. Each partner school organised a local competition before students from all partners voted for the winner. Through this competition, they were motivated to be creative and use ICT. The winner, as you will see in this link, was a Polish logo.


Erasmus corner, Etwinning project, Surveys, final report

We will carry out a common etwinning project as a subproject. It will be open to other schools not included in this k2 project. Students will create activities based on project values and objectives by using different web tools. They will be aware of more role models and be more talented at using ICT tools. 


Each partner school will arrange an Erasmus corner in the partner schools and update it throughout the project. They will develop self-esteem to share emotions, thoughts and skills, to contribute to a collective work, and to show their work.


Two surveys will be carry out about role models. Conducting student surveys will help partner schools develop and meet significant objectives needed for choosing right role models and teaching good values.


 Project evaluation report: at the end of the project, we will prepare evaluation report and share it with school guidance and psychological counselling services.

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